(set CatHelp "You can have blocnotes localized to a particular language.")
(set POPKEYHelp "With this hotkey you can popup Blocnotes main window.")
(set NOTEKEYHelp "With this hotkey you can open a new note.")
(set DIRHelp "If you specify a path, a new directory called NOTES will be created in it.\nThe notes will be stored in this directory.")
(set SCNHelp "With this library installed, Blocnotes have a better control over public screen.\nIt's recommended to install it.")
(set ASKDIRHelp "If you install blocnotes in SYS:WBStartup (default), it will be launched automatically at every startup.\nIf you want only to test BN, copy it in another place, changing the destination directory")
(set REXXHelp "These script enhance BlocNotes with new or more particular functions.\n Scroller.rexx creates scrolling text.\n ShowNote.rexx controls showing of notes.\n OpenNote.pvrx is a script for use with ProVector.\n PrepMail.rexx and SendMail.rexx permit to use Blocnotes as a simpler mailer (you need, of course, a TCP interface and a sendmail program)\n ArchiveNote.rexx hide notes archiving them \n Note2WB.rexx simply moves a note from a screen to workbench.")
(set GUIDEHelp "This is the doc of blocnotes in .guide format")
(set DELHelp "At startup, Blocnotes loads automatically the files not in note-format, in its directory, as notes.\nIf you select yes to this option all those file will be deleted.\nThis also applies for file you copy in notes directory while BN is running.")